Saturday, August 25, 2012

Long time no see :)

Hai there readers, as you might know i stoped my blogging posts for a while, i've been setting up my new appeal store called FAKE, and i wanted to share with you some of my newest creations. I will start blogging again soon, for the ones who miss my posts :) so keep an eye on. This is my new sim and FAKE's building:
Looks good huh? :D So i'll share some of the skin lines we've made:
And this is Rose, our newest creation. It isn't ready for purchase yet, as we are finishing the final details!
you can follow me via Flickr. And you can also teleport to FAKE right now :D Love, Bonnie x

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Hello, FAKE made some new releases, a brand new skin which has no eyebrows nor makeup.. So you can add your own style to it. All the eyeshadows, lipsticks, cleavages, freckles and brows are purchasable at the store! Here, take a look
Come take a look at FAKE Lots of love FAKE TEAM

Monday, May 28, 2012

Long time no see / FAKE

Hello Guys :p Well i was sooo busy RL with college and stuff that i couldn't login. But yes i'm back and with good awesome news! So that store i was talking about and showing some sneak peaks of the designs is now open :D It's called FAKE and for the opening we made a wonderful skin, some eye wear, some lipsticks, a pack of freckles, shapes and for the guys? 4 types of new beards high quality. So come over to see it by yourself. But well, let me show you some detailed photos. Our skin was made and looks exactly like the photos if you use sky preset "AnaLu *studio* 5" (graphics on ultra) lets just say, i hate facelights and i hate when i go to a store and i get blind cause of them :( its horrible.. So ladies lets start using sky presets instead of facelights :D
So this is the cream tone with one of our glosses and eye makeup!
For the guys these are 2 of the 4 types available! And there are 3 tones for you to choose.
So yes, FAKE is now open to public. And for the opening we created a contest which i dare you to participate!
For more details about it, go to my flickr page. HERE Have a wonderful week and don't forget to pass by FAKE! With love, FAKE TEAM