Friday, June 18, 2010

I got more moves than the octomom got kids, so take that, biotch!

Hiya :D
Today we decided to go a little bit bitchy :p this inst our fav style, but when you match it right it can turn into a great and smexy deal... I was just wondering why do a lot of ladies love to use oversized boobs and butts, wear super small tops and skirts, i mean... er... i like it sexy but c'mon lets make it truly sexy and not that exagerated... So yeah we've done it right *sticks out tongue*

Here's the pic (click to enlarge a bit):
On Bonnie (right):

Hair: - Jasmine.Browns
Once again Friday :x oh lord i love Friday.. Everything i had to say i just did at the previous post

Skin: *League* Skin Deeptan -Taylor
*sigh* League is releasing some pretty awesome skins :o i know that since you look at my face you desire this skin muahahahar

Eyes: LAQ ~ Dazzling Hazel Eyes
Thank you Mallory Cowen for your existence.. you make me feel DAMN HAWWWTTT!

Lashes: [ATOMIC] Lashes - Desire
Atomic is an old store on SL and yes i know, Ivy Graves ROCKSSS!!! She doesnt have a single item that i dislike... Not even one :D and i'm very picky

Necklace: *LC* - Piper Necklace Set
Well i dont even know how i found this store, but i'm glad i did, this necklace is so cuteee *_*, comes with 3 types one that you can attach on your mouth, another to spine and other to chest, yes 3 different necklaces :O W0000t. oh! almost forgot to tell you that you have 4 colors that you can choose, all black, black/bronze, black/ gold and Black/silver.. Awesome uh? :D

[ Love Soul ] Posing nails

Top: -SU!- Candy Pajama
Oh gosh SU! is another store that i'm glad i've found, Eleanor Cyberstar makes a lot of clothes with this style and does it quite good :b. gotta love it!!

Skirt: *Just Me* Meggie Skirt Black
Actually i didnt know this store, claire was the one who showed it to me, and yes i loved it.. Very great sculpted clothes (and too sexy btw *_*)... YAY thanks Claire :b

Socks: -ROOTS- 00L10006
I like this store, i just have a question :o how do you find the right item that you want on your inventory if you purchase 10 items of this creator, all those number :o i mean for us is quite easy, just need to change the folder name... But on her inventory O_O ....

Shoes: Stiletto Moody Bare Anita (Aubergine)
I know Stiletto Moody for ages *smiles* Love her sculpted quality, the colors and the "sexy business lady" style they have... I just have one prob, the script... omg the skin texture script... Please Stiletto Moody if you're reading this make yout skin texture script a lil bit easier to work with *_*

On CLAIRE (Left):

Hair: sWEET Hair sWEET FACEs - [BaronessV1][colorDT11]
Well i really like long hair and when i saw this store i was like "wow perfect for the bitchy post" :p so yes! here it is :D

Jeans: FuK'N'Hawt - halfsie jeans fishnet Pinstripe
I think its a shame that this store isn't more spoken about. Really, i mean, it's really nice... small and nice, and perfect for this bitchy style that everyone tends to like! I must also say that the creator is really sweet, take some nice pics wearing her clothes and she might pin them up on her store wall :P teehee

Top & Belt : *Just Me* - Heya Top Dark Red Peas (Vest)
U are SO not gonna deny that this top is awesome... And the belt, perfectly fits my hips! Comments about this store were made above already, but i couldnt keep myself from speaking about it too, and i won't shut up still for now... just keep reading! teehee! :P

Shoes: #OC# - Mercy Burgundy
Dude, this store is small and has a few sculpts... apparently the creator decided to go on the shoes way, and i think that was a great decision. I was amazed by these shoes they released.... in loooove. GO ON, MAKE MOAWR SHOES, I WANT MOWAR! :P

SKIN!: *Just Me*- So I really wanted to leave the skin to the end... Because this one is a brand-NEW release from "Just me"! Just really got out of the oven, hence this close-up now:
(Click to enlarge a bit) - Look at that eye... That's a really really sexy make-up. Not to mention that Typha Bailey just started making skins, so look how wonderfull it actually looks! I'm sure it took a lot of time and work from her to make such a nice skin, its her first and its already awesome! She has a darker tone aswell, and tons of crazy, pretty, classy, "weird" and fun make-ups to try on! So go there and take a look, that's my best advice in this post!

*Same nails as Bonnie :)

I've decided that with this look i didnt feel like wearing too much accessories hehe... so that's about it!!!

Hugs kisses and popsicles,

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