Monday, July 5, 2010

In the waiting line

Hiya Guys, We have been a little busy in rl.. Thats why you dont see any updates around here. But we've agreed that when one of us have some time we can make a "solo" post, and we are available together then we make a post with both of us.
So today i had to take my brother to the airport, he plays soccer and he have a lot of tournments, so i've come up with this idea of waiting for my train to come so i can go and enjoy my hollidays. So yeah it turns out a very good photo i guess (:

Here it is.

A close up.


Hat: Cockles Straw Hat - Lace B - By Xerras Azalee
Hair: !lamb. Sleepyhead - Snickers - By Lamb Bellic 
Skin: [ATOMIC] Skin Faith_Mocha - Earth - By Ivy Graves
Lashes: [LeLutka] - LOLA Lashes - By Minnu Palen
Necklace 1: KOSH-HIBERNATION NECKLACE - By Lynaja Bade  
Necklace 2: .+*AA*+.Feather&bullets black - By aya Huldschinsky
Top: {SMS} Pendant Tank Green - By Irie Campese
Vest: choramchoramimi* ivory cardi [FREE] - By naho Myoo 
Belt: *COCO*_WideWaistBelt_Brown - By cocoro Lemon 
Skirt: oyakin*fril-miniskirt(kinari) - By kinbo Akina 
Braces: *COCO*_Bangles(Urban-02) - By cocoro Lemon 
Shoulder Bag: Baiastice All Days-caramel shouder bag - By Sissy pessoa
Tights: Tee*fy Leo-Pard Leggins (Brown) - By Azure Electricteeth
Shoes: [LeLutka]-Pow Pumps (Tan/Black) - By Minnu Palen

i'm in a rush due to RL, so unfortunately i wont comment any of these stores :(

Hugs kisses and popsicles,

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